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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第22部分

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n itself; imploded; perverted。
   Danifae reminded herself that no matter what happened; House Yauntyrr was gone。 The integrity of its heraldry was of no concern to her; nor; she was sure; to anyone else。
   She stepped inside。
   Zinnirit's gatehouse; not unlike the larger gatehouse they'd entered the city through; was mostly open space on the street level。 There looked to be room for another floor or even two above…likely Zinnirit's private residence…but the heart of the establishment was in that single cavernous chamber。
   There were three gates; each a circle of elaborately interconnected stones easily thirty feet in diameter。 No seething magical light pulsed through them。 All three were inactive; dark。
   〃Zinnirit!〃 Danifae called。
   Her voice echoed in the empty space。 There was no immediate reply。 Danifae had lost track of time quite a while before; and as she called the former House Mage's name again; she realized she might have dropped in on the wizard in the middle of his Reverie。
   She didn't care。
   A quiet; slow shuffling of feet answered Danifae's third entreaty。 The sound was unmistakable but difficult to trace in the huge; echoing space。 Despite the echoes; Danifae got the distinct impression that there was more than one set of feet。 She couldn't count exactly how many…maybe half a dozen…and they were getting closer。
   Danifae drew her morningstar and set it swinging at her right side。
   〃Zinnirit;〃 she called。 〃Show yourself; you old fool。〃
   Again; the only answer was that same echoing set of shuffling footsteps。
   A shadow bobbed back and forth at the edge of her peripheral vision from deeper into the gatehouse。 Danifae reacted with a thought; calling without question or hesitation on an ability bred into all highborn drow。
   Five figures blazed to life with shimmering purple light。 The faerie fire ringed their bodies and outlined them against the dull gloom behind them。 The figures slowly shambled toward her and took no notice of the faerie fire。
   The realization of what they were hit her half a second after the foul smell did。
   They were zombies: walking dead of what looked to be mostly humans; though Danifae wasn't interested in conducting a thorough physical examination。
   〃Zinnirit。 。 。〃 she breathed; irritated。
   One of the zombies reached out for her; and a quiet; painful…sounding groan escaped its rotting; tattered lips。
   In answer; Danifae stood straight; arched one delicate eyebrow; held out one slim…fingered hand; and said; 〃Stop。〃
   The zombies stopped。
   〃That will be all;〃 she said; her voice a perfect; level calm。
   The zombies; all still aglow in purple; turned clumsily; bumping into each other; and shambled away from the battle…captive。 They were moving a bit faster away from her than they had e at her。
   〃Well;〃 a firm male voice said; the single word echoing a thousandfold in the gatehouse chamber。
   Danifae put her hand down; let it rest on her hip。
   〃You shouldn't have been able to do that;〃 the voice said; quieter but closer。
   Danifae followed that echo back to its source and saw another drow…shaped shadow at the edge of the gloom。
   〃No need for faerie fire;〃 he said and stepped close enough for Danifae to see him。
   〃Zinnirit;〃 she said; pasting a broad grin on her face。 〃How lovely it is to see you; my old friend。〃
   The aged drow moved a few steps closer to her but still kept a respectful…no; suspicious…distance from Danifae。
   〃You were taken to Ched Nasad;〃 the wizard said。 〃I heard that Ched Nasad fell apart。〃
   〃It did;〃 Danifae answered。
   〃I honor Lolth as much as any drow;〃 the wizard said; 〃but you can keep buildings made of web; thank you very much。〃
   〃That wasn't the problem;〃 Danifae replied。 〃Of course; you don't give the south end of a northbound rothe what happened to Ched Nasad。〃
   〃You know me too well still;〃 he said。
   〃As you know me。〃
   〃It isn't easy; you know;〃 the old wizard said; taking a few steps closer。 〃What you want done。 It's not something you simply 。 。 。 dispel。〃
   Zinnirit looked different。 Danifae was amazed at how stooped he was; how thin; how wizened。 He looked like a human; or a goblin。 He looked bad。
   〃You've adopted the fashions of your new home; I see;〃 Danifae remarked; nodding at the wizard's outlandish dress。
   〃Yes; I have;〃 he replied。 〃Good for business; you know。 Doesn't frighten the neighbors as much as the old spiky armor。〃
   〃You know why I'm here;〃 said Danifae; 〃and I know you knew I was ing。 Were the zombies meant to scare me?〃
   〃Another bit of showmanship; actually;〃 the mage explained。 〃Drow and lesser races alike are attracted to the odd bit of necromancy。 Makes me seem more serious; I suppose。〃
   〃You knew I was in Sschindylryn the second I stepped through the gate;〃 she said。
   〃I did; yes。〃
   〃Then let's get on with it。〃
   〃Things have changed; my dear Danifae;〃 Zinnirit said。 〃I am no longer your mother's House mage; subject to the whims of her spoiled daughters。〃
   〃You expect me to pay?〃 she asked。
   〃You expect something for nothing?〃
   Danifae let one of her eyebrows twitch in response。 That barely perceptible gesture made the old wizard look away。 She took a deep breath and concentrated on that corner of her mind in which the Binding hid。
   〃I know why you've e;〃 Zinnirit pressed。 〃It's always there; isn't it?〃
   Seeing no reason to lie; Danifae said; 〃It is。 It's been there every second since I fell into the hands of House Melarn。〃
   〃It's an insidious enchantment that binds you 。 。 。〃 said the old drow; 〃binds you in a way that only a drow could imagine。 While the Binding is in effect; you will never be free。 If your mistress 。 。 。 ?〃
   〃Halisstra Melarn。〃
   〃If Halisstra Melarn dies; so goes Danifae;〃 he continued。 〃If she calls for you; you'll go to her。 No question; no hesitation; no choice。 You can never…much as you might like to; even as a method of suicide…raise your hand to her。 The Binding won't let your body move in a way that would result in your mistress's death。〃
   〃You understand well;〃 she whispered; 〃but not pletely。 In many ways; it's the Binding that fuels me。 That spell keeps me alive; keeps me vital; keeps me listening; watching; and learning。 That spell; and my desire to break its hold; is what I live for。〃
   Danifae saw fear flash across the old wizard's eyes。
   〃You weren't the only member of our House to be brought to Ched Nasad;〃 he said。 〃After that last raid…the one that destroyed the redoubt; that destroyed the family…others were taken by Ched Nasad's Houses; and the rest were scattered over a wide swath of the Underdark。 Those who lived; anyway; and that was precious few。〃
   〃Zinnirit Yauntyrr made it to Sschindylryn;〃 she continued for him; 〃and did quite well here。 That never surprised me。 You were a talented spellcaster。 No one could teleport like you。 You were the master。 And teleporting isn't all you're good at。
   〃You're ready;〃 she said。 〃I know you。〃
   〃What will you do when yo
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