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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第20部分

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able distance below the surface of Faerun。 The pyramid had three sides; each more than two miles long; and the apex was two miles above。 Bioluminescent fungus grew in patches all around the smooth outer walls; giving the whole city an eerie; dim yellow ambient light。 The drow who called the city home lived in houses constructed of stone and brick…unusual in a dark elf city…that were built on stepped tiers。 The outer edges of the city were actually trenches carved into the stone floor of the pyramid。 In the center; a sort of huge ziggurat rose up into the cool; still air。 There was no physical way in or out of the city。 No tunnel connected the cavern to the rest of the Underdark。 Sschindylryn was sealed。 Locked away。
   Except for the gates; and there were thousands of those。
   They were everywhere。 In only the first few blocks Danifae saw a dozen of them。 They led to every corner of the Underdark; onto the World Above; perhaps beyond to the planes and elsewhere。 Some were open to the public; left there by no one remembered whom。 Others were mercial ventures; offering transport to some other drow city or trade site of the lesser races for a fee。 Still others were kept secret; used only by a chosen few。 Gangs controlled some; merchant costers controlled more; while the clergy maintained hundreds。
   On the narrow streets Danifae passed mostly other dark elves; and all of them seemed; like her; concerned entirely with their own business。 They ignored her; and she did likewise。 As she walked; she became increasingly aware that she was in a strange city; alone; looking for a single drow who was very likely still making every effort to hide。
   House Agrach Dyrr had been part of the political landscape of Menzoberranzan for more than five thousand years。 Only House Baenre was older。
   For most of that time; Houses Baenre and Agrach Dyrr had maintained a close relationship。 Of course there was never trust; that wasn't something that existed in any but the must tenuous and rudimentary form in the City of Spiders; but they had had certain arrangements。 They shared mon interests and mon goals。 Agrach Dyrr had fulfilled its role in the city's hierarchy。 It went to war with the city; defended itself against rival Houses; destroyed a few from time to time as necessity dictated; and in all things followed the teachings and the whims of the Queen of the Demonweb Pits。
   Matron Mother Yasraena Dyrr enjoyed pain。 She enjoyed chaos; and she enjoyed the blessings of Lolth。 When that last bit went away; things changed。
   From their palace on the wide shelf of Qu'ellarz'orl; the Lichdrow Dyrr had stood with his much younger granddaughter and watched the city turn against them。 Well; that wasn't entirely accurate; the lichdrow knew。 He had turned against the city; and he had done it with precise and careful timing。 He had made the final decision; as he always had in times of greatest peril and greatest opportunity。 Yasraena did what she was told; occasionally being made to feel as if it was her idea in the first place; sometimes merely given an order。
   Most days; the youthful matron mother was as much in mand of the House as any of the city's matrons。 When it truly counted; though; the lichdrow stepped in。
   The palace of House Agrach Dyrr was a ring of nine giant stalagmites that rose from the rocky floor of Qu'ellarz'orl; surrounded by a dry moat crossed at only one point by a wide; defensible bridge。 In the center of the ring of stalagmites; behind a square wall of spell…crafted stone; was the House temple。 That massive cathedral was more than a symbol to the drow of House Agrach Dyrr…it was a sincere and passionate proclamation of their faith in the Spider Queen。
   In the past months; though; the temple had grown as quiet as the goddess it was built to honor。
   〃Lolth has abandoned us;〃 the lichdrow said。
   He stood at the entrance to the temple。 A hundred yards in front or him; his granddaughter kneeled before the black altar and stared silently up at an enormous; stylized representation of the goddess。 The idol weighed several tons and had been shaped by divine magic out of a thousand of the most precious materials the Underdark had to offer。
   〃We have abandoned her;〃 Yasraena replied。
   Their voices carried through the huge chamber。
   The lichdrow floated toward her; his toes almost touching the marble floor。 She didn't turn around。
   〃Well;〃 he said; 〃what could she expect?〃
   The matron mother let the joke hang there without ment。
   〃The bridge holds;〃 Dyrr reported; sounding almost bored。 〃Word from agents within Sorcere is that Vorion was captured but was later killed。 I'm still finding out if he broke。〃
   〃Vorion 。 。 。〃 the matron mother breathed。
   She had taken Vorion as her consort only a few years before。
   〃My condolences;〃 the lichdrow said。
   〃He had a few admirable qualities;〃 the matron mother replied。 〃Ah well; at least he died in defense of the House。〃
   Dyrr tired of the subject; so he changed it。
   〃Gromph has regained his sight。〃
   Yasraena nodded and said; 〃He'll be ing for us。〃
   〃He'll be ing for me;〃 the lichdrow corrected。
   The matron mother sighed。 She must have known he was right。 The priestess; bereft of her connection to Lolth; was still a force to be reckoned with。 She was experienced; cruel; strong; and she had access to the House's stores of magical items; artifacts; and scrolls; but against the Archmage of Menzoberranzan; she would be little more than a nuisance。 If Gromph was ing; he was ing for the lichdrow; and if Agrach Dyrr was to survive; it would be the lichdrow who would have to save it。
   〃I don't suppose you can count on your new friends;〃 the matron mother said。
   〃My 'new friends' have problems of their own;〃 Dyrr replied。 〃They lay siege to the city; but Baenre and the others Houses have done a surprisingly good job of holding the entrances to the Dark Dominion。〃
   〃They have us bottled in our palace like rats in a trap;〃 said the matron mother。
   Dyrr laughed; the sound muffled and strained from under his mask。 The lichdrow almost never allowed anyone to see his face。 Yasraena was one of the few to whom he would reveal himself; but even then; not often。 Though she wasn't looking at him; he maintained the affectation of leaning on his staff。 The outward illusion of advanced age and physical weakness had bee second nature to him; and he'd begun to maintain that attitude even when no one was looking。 His body; free of the demands of life for a millennia; was as responsive as it had been the day he died and was resurrected。
   〃Don't begin to believe our own ruse; granddaughter;〃 Dyrr said。 〃Not everything has gone strictly to plan; but all is far from lost; and we are far from trapped。 We were meant to be in the city; and here we are。 The two of us are in our own temple; unmolested。 We have lost troops and the odd consort and cousin; but we live; and our assets are largely intact。 Our 'new friends' as you call them; have the city hard under siege; and many of the Houses refuse to join the fight…join it in any real way; at least。 All we hav
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