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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第17部分

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 over the decades that even Vhok could be put off by her jagged fangs。 Aliisza smiled often and nearly as often changed the size and shape of her teeth to fit her mood。
   〃You think too little of them;〃 she cautioned。 〃One or two drow have proven interesting。 One or two of the interesting ones; together; can prove dangerous。〃
   Vhok answered with a nonmittal grunt then said; 〃I suppose I should apologize for calling you back from the Lake of Shadows before you could make contact with this wizard of yours。 It was unforgivably officious of me。〃
   The alu…demon leaned in closer and let the tip of her tongue play along the edge of Vhok's pointed ear。 He sat still; responding in ways more than simply physical。 Aliisza could feel herself flush。
   〃You will get us both in trouble;〃 the cambion whispered to her; 〃with the wrong dalliances。〃
   〃Or make us both triumphant;〃 she replied; 〃with the right ones。〃
   Vhok didn't bother answering; and Aliisza moved to whisper very close; very quietly into his ear; 〃They could do it。 The ship of chaos could get them there。〃
   Vhok nodded; and Aliisza tried to read that response。 She thought he was happy with her at least for being as discreet as she was with that opinion; even in the spell…warded tent。
   She began to unbutton his tunic; teasing him with each slow twist of her fingers; each incremental loosening of his clothing。 Aliisza knew what to expect of Kaanyr Vhok without his clothes。 Though from all appearances the marquis cambion was an aging half…elf from the World Above; his chest; arms; and legs were covered in green scales。 That demon's flesh was a sight few had ever lived to see twice。
   〃They go in search of the spider bitch;〃 Vhok said; twisting to help her more easily slide his tunic off。
   〃They mean to wake her?〃 Aliisza asked; turning her attention to the glistening scales on Vhok's broad chest。
   〃They mean to take their quest for her favor to her sticky little throne;〃 the cambion replied; 〃or her sticky little bed 。。。 or her sticky little tomb; and wake her from her sleep。 You say they've been feeding the ship?〃
   〃A constant diet of manes;〃 she whispered into his ear。
   Vhok nodded as he began to undress her。
   〃The wizard?〃 he asked。
   〃Pharaun;〃 she answered。
   〃He can do it; then;〃 Vhok decided。 〃A Master of Sorcere no less; with the captain enthralled。〃
   〃They can get to the Demonweb Pits;〃 she said; 〃but do you think they can wake her?〃
   〃No;〃 came a startling third voice in what Aliisza was sure was a tent occupied by only two。
   Both of them stood and in a thought had their swords in their hands。 The blades; identical to the finest detail; practically hummed with magical energy。 They stood back…to…back; a defensive stance born of instinct more than practice。
   Aliisza could see no one but could feel Vhok tense behind her。 She had e to know his moods well; and what she sensed from him was anger; not fear。 Aliisza continued to scan the room until a figure presented itself。
   〃Nimor;〃 Aliisza breathed。
   〃A dangerous decision;〃 Vhok said to the shadowy figure of the drow assassin; 〃walking in here unannounced。〃
   〃Believe me;〃 Nimor replied; stepping into the warm torchlight nearer the center of the tent; 〃voyeurism was the last thing on my mind。 As you said; Lord Vhok; there is business to be handled。 Besides; I didn't 'walk' in。〃
   Vhok slipped his sword; a blade he called 〃Burnblood;〃 back into its sheath and stepped away from Aliisza。 With slow; deliberate motions; he picked up his tunic and slipped it back on; covering the scaly flesh he so seldom exposed。
   The edge of Nimor's thin lips slipped up in wry amusement。 Something about that reaction made Aliisza uneasy…more so than normal when in the assassin's presence。
   〃What business brings you here now; Anointed Blade?〃 asked Vhok。
   〃That drow expedition; of course;〃 the assassin replied。 〃They have found a ship of chaos; and they mean to pay their sleeping goddess a visit?〃
   The assassin was looking at Aliisza; expecting an answer。 She sheathed her own sword and slipped back down to the sofa; never taking her eyes off the dark elf。 The alu…fiend didn't bother refastening the clasps Vhok had undone on her bodice。
   〃There's very little reason to suspect they'll succeed;〃 said Vhok。
   〃Would you agree; Aliisza?〃 Nimor asked。
   Aliisza shrugged and said; 〃They have a wizard with them who could likely handle the ship。 I became acquainted with him in Ched Nasad just before the end; and I found him quite capable。〃
   〃Ah; yes;〃 Nimor said; 〃Pharaun Mizzrym。 He could be the next archmage; or so I hear。 If his name were Baenre; that is。〃
   〃They could do it;〃 Vhok said。
   Nimor took a deep breath and said; 〃There are a thousand things that could go wrong between the Lake of Shadows and the Abyss; and a thousand thousand things could go wrong between the edge of the Abyss and the sixty…sixth layer。〃
   〃What will they find there; Nimor?〃 Aliisza asked; genuinely curious。
   Nimor smiled; and Aliisza momentarily thrilled at his feral expression。
   〃I haven't the vaguest notion;〃 he answered。
   〃If they find Lolth?〃 asked Vhok。
   〃If they find Lolth;〃 said Nimor; 〃and she's dead; then we can settle in for as long a siege as necessary。 Menzoberranzan is doomed。 If she sleeps and they can't wake her or if she has simply decided to abandon her faithful on this world; the same is true。 If she sleeps and they do wake her or she is ignoring them and they regain her favor; well; that would pose a difficulty for us。〃
   〃How do we know what they'll find?〃 asked the cambion。
   〃We don't;〃 Nimor answered。
   The dark elf folded his arms across his chest and tipped his head down。 His features grew tighter; darker as he wrapped himself in thought。
   〃Let them go; but。 。 。〃 Aliisza suggested; the words tripping over her tongue before she'd thought them through。
   〃Send someone with them;〃 Nimor finished for her。
   The alu…fiend smiled; showing a row of yellow…white fangs。
   〃Agrach Dyrr is alone;〃 Triel Baenre said。 〃Alone and under siege。〃
   Gromph nodded but didn't look at his sister。 He was captivated by the sight of Menzoberranzan。 The City of Spiders stretched out before him; ablaze in faerie fire; magnificent in its chaos; in its perversion of nature…a cave made into a home。
   〃Good;〃 Gromph replied; 〃but don't assume they'll give up easily。 They have loyal servants of their own and allies who make up for what they lack in intelligence with superiority of numbers。〃
   From where they stood on a high belvedere on the outside edge of one of the westernmost spires of the House Baenre plex; Gromph had a largely unobstructed view of the subterranean city。 The Baenre palace stood against the southern wall of the huge cavern; atop the second tier of a wide rock shelf。 It was the First House; and its position above the rest of the city was more than symbolic。
   〃They may have thrown in with the gray dwarves;〃 Andzrel Baenre said; 〃but no dark elf in Menzoberranzan fights on their behalf。〃
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