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inflamed the inferior officers of the army with the same eagerness; so
that Camillus; fearing he might seem out of envy to be wishing to
rob the young men of the glory of a noble exploit; consented; though
unwillingly; that he should draw out the forces; whilst himself; by
reason of weakness; stayed behind with a few in the camp。 Lucius;
engaging rashly; was discomfited; when Camillus; perceiving the Romans
to give ground and fly; could not contain himself; but; leaping from
his bed; with those he had about him ran to meet them at the gates
of the camp; making his way through the flyers to oppose the pursuers;
so that those who had got within the camp turned back at once and
followed him; and those that came flying from without made head
again and gathered about him; exhorting one another not to forsake
their general。 Thus the enemy; for that time; was stopped in his
pursuit。 The next day Camillus; drawing out his forces and joining
battle with them; overthrew them by main force; and; following close
upon them; entered pell…mell with them into their camp; and took it;
slaying the greatest part of them。 Afterwards; having heard that the
city Satricum was taken by the Tuscans; and the inhabitants; all
Romans; put to the sword he sent home to Rome the main body of his
forces and heaviest…armed; and taking with him the lightest and most
vigorous soldiers; set suddenly upon the Tuscans; who were in the
possession of the city; and mastered them; slaying some and
expelling the rest; and so; returning to Rome with great spoils;
gave signal evidence of their superior wisdom; who; not mistrusting
the weakness and age of a commander endued with courage and conduct;
had rather chosen him who was sickly and desirous to be excused;
than younger men who were forward and ambitious to command。
  When; therefore; the revolt of the Tusculans was reported; they gave
Camillus the charge of reducing them; choosing one of his five
colleagues to go with him。 And when every one was eager for the place;
contrary to the expectation of all; he passed by the rest and chose
Lucius Furius; the very same man who lately; against the judgment of
Camillus; had rashly hazarded and nearly lost a battle; willing; as it
should seem; to dissemble that miscarriage; and free him from the
shame of it。 The Tusculans; hearing of Camillus's coming against them;
made a cunning attempt at revoking their act of revolt; their
fields; as in times of highest peace; were full of ploughmen and
shepherds; their gates stood wide open; and their children were
being taught in the schools; of the people; such as were trades…men;
he found in their workshops; busied about their several employments;
and the better sort of citizens walking in the public places in
their ordinary dress; the magistrates hurried about to provide
quarters for the Romans; as if they stood in fear of no danger and
were conscious of no fault。 Which arts; though they could not
dispossess Camillus of the conviction he had of their treason; yet
induced some compassion for their repentance; he commanded them to
go to the senate and deprecate their anger; and joined himself as an
intercessor in their behalf; so that their city was acquitted of all
guilt and admitted to Roman citizenship。 These were the most memorable
actions of his sixth tribuneship。
  After these things; Licinius Stolo raised a great sedition in the
city; and brought the people to dissension with the senate;
contending; that of two consuls one should be chosen out of the
commons; and not both out of the patricians。 Tribunes of the people
were chosen; but the election of consuls was interrupted and prevented
by the people。 And as this absence of any supreme magistrate was
leading to yet further confusion; Camillus was the fourth time created
dictator by the senate; sorely against the people's will; and not
altogether in accordance with his own; he had little desire for a
conflict with men whose past services entitled them to tell him that
he had achieved far greater actions in war along with them than in
politics with the patricians; who; indeed; had only put him forward
now out of envy; that; if successful; he might crush the people; or
failing; be crushed himself。 However; to provide as good a remedy as
he could for the present; knowing the day on which the tribunes of the
people intended to prefer the law; he appointed it by proclamation for
a general muster; and called the people from the forum into the
Campus; threatening to set heavy fines upon such as should not obey。
On the other side; the tribunes of the people met his threats by
solemnly protesting they would fine him in fifty thousand drachmas
of silver; if he persisted in obstructing the people from giving their
suffrages for the law。 Whether it were; then; that he feared another
banishment or condemnation; which would ill become his age and past
great actions; or found himself unable to stem the current of the
multitude; which ran strong and violent; he betook himself; for the
present; to his house; and afterwards; for some days together
professing sickness; finally laid down his dictatorship。 The senate
created another dictator; who; choosing Stolo; leader of the sedition;
to be his general of horse; suffered that law to be enacted and
ratified; which was most grievous to the patricians; namely; that no
person whatsoever should possess above five hundred acres of land。
Stolo was much distinguished by the victory he had gained; but; not
long after; was found himself to possess more than he had allowed to
others; and suffered the penalties of his own law。
  And now the contention about election of consuls coming on (which
was the main point and original cause of the dissension; and had
throughout furnished most matter of division between the senate and
the people); certain intelligence arrived; that the Gauls again;
proceeding from the Adriatic Sea; were marching in vast numbers upon
Rome。 On the very heels of the report followed manifest acts also of
hostility; the country through which they marched was all wasted;
and such as by flight could not make their escape to Rome were
dispersing and scattering among the mountains。 The terror of this
war quieted the sedition; nobles and commons; senate and people
together unanimously chose Camillus the fifth time dictator; who;
though very aged; not wanting much of fourscore years; yet;
considering the danger and necessity of his country; did not; as
before; pretend sickness; or depreciate his own capacity; but at
once undertook the charge and enrolled soldiers。 And; knowing that the
great force of the barbarians lay chiefly in their swords; with
which they laid about them in a rude and inartificial manner;
hacking and hewing the head and shoulders; he caused head…pieces
entire iron to be made for most of his men; smoothing and polishing
the outside; that the enemy's swords; lighting upon them; might either
slide off or be broken; and fitted also their shields with a little
rim of brass; the wood itself not being sufficient to bear off the
blows。 Besides; he taught his soldiers to use their long javelins in
close encounter; and; by bringing them 
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