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anxiously round。  As the final stroke died; the noise of hoofs

rung on the broad stones of the pavement; and from a narrow

street to the right emerged the form of a solitary horseman。  He

neared the Englishmen; and Glyndon recognised the features and

mien of Zanoni。

〃What! do we meet again; signor?〃 said Mervale; in a vexed but

drowsy tone。

〃Your friend and I have business together;〃 replied Zanoni; as he

wheeled his steed to the side of Glyndon。  〃But it will be soon

transacted。  Perhaps you; sir; will ride on to your hotel。〃


〃There is no danger!〃 returned Zanoni; with a slight expression

of disdain in his voice。

〃None to me; but to Glyndon?〃

〃Danger from me!  Ah; perhaps you are right。〃

〃Go on; my dear Mervale;〃 said Glyndon; 〃I will join you before

you reach the hotel。〃

Mervale nodded; whistled; and pushed his horse into a kind of


〃Now your answer;quick?〃

〃I have decided。  The love of Viola has vanished from my heart。

The pursuit is over。〃

〃You have decided?〃

〃I have; and now my reward。〃

〃Thy reward!  Well; ere this hour to…morrow it shall await thee。〃

Zanoni gave the rein to his horse; it sprang forward with a

bound:  the sparks flew from its hoofs; and horse and rider

disappeared amidst the shadows of the street whence they had


Mervale was surprised to see his friend by his side; a minute

after they had parted。

〃What has passed between you and Zanoni?〃

〃Mervale; do not ask me to…night!  I am in a dream。〃

〃I do not wonder at it; for even I am in a sleep。  Let us push


In the retirement of his chamber; Glyndon sought to recollect his

thoughts。  He sat down on the foot of his bed; and pressed his

hands tightly to his throbbing temples。  The events of the last

few hours; the apparition of the gigantic and shadowy Companion

of the Mystic; amidst the fires and clouds of Vesuvius; the

strange encounter with Zanoni himself; on a spot in which he

could never; by ordinary reasoning; have calculated on finding

Glyndon; filled his mind with emotions; in which terror and awe

the least prevailed。  A fire; the train of which had been long

laid; was lighted at his heart;the asbestos…fire that; once

lit; is never to be quenched。  All his early aspirationshis

young ambition; his longings for the laurelwere merged in one

passionate yearning to surpass the bounds of the common knowledge

of man; and reach that solemn spot; between two worlds; on which

the mysterious stranger appeared to have fixed his home。

Far from recalling with renewed affright the remembrance of the

apparition that had so appalled him; the recollection only served

to kindle and concentrate his curiosity into a burning focus。  He

had said aright;LOVE HAD VANISHED FROM HIS HEART; there was no

longer a serene space amidst its disordered elements for human

affection to move and breathe。  The enthusiast was rapt from this

earth; and he would have surrendered all that mortal beauty ever

promised; that mortal hope ever whispered; for one hour with

Zanoni beyond the portals of the visible world。

He rose; oppressed and fevered with the new thoughts that raged

within him; and threw open his casement for air。  The ocean lay

suffused in the starry light; and the stillness of the heavens

never more eloquently preached the morality of repose to the

madness of earthly passions。  But such was Glyndon's mood that

their very hush only served to deepen the wild desires that

preyed upon his soul; and the solemn stars; that are mysteries in

themselves; seemed; by a kindred sympathy; to agitate the wings

of the spirit no longer contented with its cage。  As he gazed; a

star shot from its brethren; and vanished from the depth of



O; be gone!

By Heaven; I love thee better than myself;

For I came hither armed against myself。

〃Romeo and Juliet。〃

The young actress and Gionetta had returned from the theatre; and

Viola fatigued and exhausted; had thrown herself on a sofa; while

Gionetta busied herself with the long tresses which; released

from the fillet that bound them; half…concealed the form of the

actress; like a veil of threads of gold。  As she smoothed the

luxuriant locks; the old nurse ran gossiping on about the little

events of the night; the scandal and politics of the scenes and

the tireroom。  Gionetta was a worthy soul。  Almanzor; in Dryden's

tragedy of 〃Almahide;〃 did not change sides with more gallant

indifference than the exemplary nurse。  She was at last grieved

and scandalised that Viola had not selected one chosen cavalier。

But the choice she left wholly to her fair charge。  Zegri or

Abencerrage; Glyndon or Zanoni; it had been the same to her;

except that the rumours she had collected respecting the latter;

combined with his own recommendations of his rival; had given her

preference to the Englishman。  She interpreted ill the impatient

and heavy sigh with which Viola greeted her praises of Glyndon;

and her wonder that he had of late so neglected his attentions

behind the scenes; and she exhausted all her powers of panegyric

upon the supposed object of the sigh。  〃And then; too;〃 she said;

〃if nothing else were to be said against the other signor; it is

enough that he is about to leave Naples。〃

〃Leave Naples!Zanoni?〃

〃Yes; darling!  In passing by the Mole to…day; there was a crowd

round some outlandish…looking sailors。  His ship arrived this

morning; and anchors in the bay。  The sailors say that they are

to be prepared to sail with the first wind; they were taking in

fresh stores。  They〃

〃Leave me; Gionetta!  Leave me!〃

The time had already passed when the girl could confide in

Gionetta。  Her thoughts had advanced to that point when the heart

recoils from all confidence; and feels that it cannot be

comprehended。  Alone now; in the principal apartment of the

house; she paced its narrow boundaries with tremulous and

agitated steps:  she recalled the frightful suit of Nicot;the

injurious taunt of Glyndon; and she sickened at the remembrance

of the hollow applauses which; bestowed on the actress; not the

woman; only subjected her to contumely and insult。  In that room

the recollection of her father's death; the withered laurel and

the broken chords; rose chillingly before her。  Hers; she felt;

was a yet gloomier fate;the chords may break while the laurel

is yet green。  The lamp; waning in its socket; burned pale and

dim; and her eyes instinctively turned from the darker corner of

the room。  Orphan; by the hearth of thy parent; dost thou fear

the presence of the dead!

And was Zanoni indeed about to quit Naples?  Should she see him

no more?  Oh; fool; to think that there was grief in any other

thought!  The past!that was gone!  The future!there was no

future to her; Zanoni absent!  But this was the night of the

third day on which Zanoni had told her that; come 
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