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in the pomp and purple of their victims!  Nobler paupers than

Jean Nicot would despair; and Poverty would rise in its ghastly

multitudes to cut the throat of Wealth; and then gash itself limb

by limb; if Patience; the Angel of the Poor; sat not by its side;

pointing with solemn finger to the life to come!  And now; as

Nicot neared the house of the Dictator; he began to meditate a

reversal of his plans of the previous day:  not that he faltered

in his resolution to denounce Glyndon; and Viola would

necessarily share his fate; as a companion and accomplice;no;

THERE he was resolved! for he hated both (to say nothing of his

old but never…to…be…forgotten grudge against Zanoni)。  Viola had

scorned him; Glyndon had served; and the thought of gratitude was

as intolerable to him as the memory of insult。  But why; now;

should he fly from France?he could possess himself of Glyndon's

gold; he doubted not that he could so master Fillide by her wrath

and jealousy that he could command her acquiescence in all he

proposed。  The papers he had purloinedDesmoulins'

correspondence with Glyndonwhile it insured the fate of the

latter; might be eminently serviceable to Robespierre; might

induce the tyrant to forget his own old liaisons with Hebert; and

enlist him among the allies and tools of the King of Terror。

Hopes of advancement; of wealth; of a career; again rose before

him。  This correspondence; dated shortly before Camille

Desmoulins' death; was written with that careless and daring

imprudence which characterised the spoiled child of Danton。  It

spoke openly of designs against Robespierre; it named

confederates whom the tyrant desired only a popular pretext to

crush。  It was a new instrument of death in the hands of the

Death…compeller。  What greater gift could he bestow on Maximilien

the Incorruptible?

Nursing these thoughts; he arrived at last before the door of

Citizen Dupleix。  Around the threshold were grouped; in admired

confusion; some eight or ten sturdy Jacobins; the voluntary body…

guard of Robespierre;tall fellows; well armed; and insolent

with the power that reflects power; mingled with women; young and

fair; and gayly dressed; who had come; upon the rumour that

Maximilien had had an attack of bile; to inquire tenderly of his

health; for Robespierre; strange though it seem; was the idol of

the sex!

Through this cortege stationed without the door; and reaching up

the stairs to the landing…place;for Robespierre's apartments

were not spacious enough to afford sufficient antechamber for

levees so numerous and miscellaneous;Nicot forced his way; and

far from friendly or flattering were the expressions that regaled

his ears。

〃Aha; le joli Polichinelle!〃 said a comely matron; whose robe his

obtrusive and angular elbows cruelly discomposed。  〃But how could

one expect gallantry from such a scarecrow!〃

〃Citizen; I beg to advise thee (The courteous use of the plural

was proscribed at Paris。  The Societies Populaires had decided

that whoever used it should be prosecuted as suspect et

adulateur!  At the door of the public administrations and popular

societies was written up; 〃Ici on s'honore du Citoyen; et on se

tutoye〃!!! (〃Here they respect the title of Citizen; and they

'thee' and 'thou' one another。〃)  Take away Murder from the

French Revolution and it becomes the greatest farce ever played

before the angels!) that thou art treading on my feet。  I beg thy

pardon; but now I look at thine; I see the hall is not wide

enough for them。〃

〃Ho! Citizen Nicot;〃 cried a Jacobin; shouldering his formidable

bludgeon; 〃and what brings thee hither?thinkest thou that

Hebert's crimes are forgotten already?  Off; sport of Nature! and

thank the Etre Supreme that he made thee insignificant enough to

be forgiven。〃

〃A pretty face to look out of the National Window〃 (The

Guillotine。); said the woman whose robe the painter had ruffled。

〃Citizens;〃 said Nicot; white with passion; but constraining

himself so that his words seemed to come from grinded teeth; 〃I

have the honour to inform you that I seek the Representant upon

business of the utmost importance to the public and himself;

and;〃 he added slowly and malignantly; glaring round; 〃I call all

good citizens to be my witnesses when I shall complain to

Robespierre of the reception bestowed on me by some amongst you。〃

There was in the man's look and his tone of voice so much of deep

and concentrated malignity; that the idlers drew back; and as the

remembrance of the sudden ups and downs of revolutionary life

occurred to them; several voices were lifted to assure the

squalid and ragged painter that nothing was farther from their

thoughts than to offer affront to a citizen whose very appearance

proved him to be an exemplary sans…culotte。  Nicot received these

apologies in sullen silence; and; folding his arms; leaned

against the wall; waiting in grim patience for his admission。

The loiterers talked to each other in separate knots of two and

three; and through the general hum rang the clear; loud; careless

whistle of the tall Jacobin who stood guard by the stairs。  Next

to Nicot; an old woman and a young virgin were muttering in

earnest whispers; and the atheist painter chuckled inly to

overhear their discourse。

〃I assure thee; my dear;〃 said the crone; with a mysterious shake

of head; 〃that the divine Catherine Theot; whom the impious now

persecute; is really inspired。  There can be no doubt that the

elect; of whom Dom Gerle and the virtuous Robespierre are

destined to be the two grand prophets; will enjoy eternal life

here; and exterminate all their enemies。  There is no doubt of

it;not the least!〃

〃How delightful!〃 said the girl; 〃ce cher Robespierre!he does

not look very long…lived either!〃

〃The greater the miracle;〃 said the old woman。  〃I am just

eighty…one; and I don't feel a day older since Catherine Theot

promised me I should be one of the elect!〃

Here the women were jostled aside by some newcomers; who talked

loud and eagerly。

〃Yes;〃 cried a brawny man; whose garb denoted him to be a

butcher; with bare arms; and a cap of liberty on his head; 〃I am

come to warn Robespierre。  They lay a snare for him; they offer

him the Palais National。  'On ne peut etre ami du peuple et

habiter un palais。'〃 (〃No one can be a friend of the people; and

dwell in a palace。〃〃Papiers inedits trouves chez Robespierre;〃

etc。; volume ii。 page 132。)

〃No; indeed;〃 answered a cordonnier; 〃I like him best in his

little lodging with the menuisier:  it looks like one of US。〃

Another rush of the crowd; and a new group were thrown forward in

the vicinity of Nicot。  And these men gabbled and chattered

faster and louder than the rest。

〃But my plan is〃

〃Au diable with YOUR plan!  I tell you MY scheme is〃

〃Nonsense!〃 cried a third。  〃When Robespierre understands MY new

method of making gunpowder; the enemies of France shall〃
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