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the mirror of kong ho

the mirror of kong ho封面 小说类别:文学经管 上传者:冬冬 作者:未知
小说大小:335K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2019-08-24
总点击:108 总推荐:2 总收藏:0
月点击:108 月推荐:1 月收藏:0
周点击:108 周推荐:1 周收藏:0


THE MIRROR OF KONG HOBY ERNEST BRAMAHA lively and amusing collection of letters onwestern living written by Kong Ho, a Chinesegentleman. These addressed to his homeland,refer to the Westerners in London asbarbarians and many of the aids to life in oursociety give Kong Ho endless food for thought.These are things such as the motor car and thepiano; unknown in China at this time.INTRODUCTIONESTIMABLE BARBARIAN,Your opportune suggestion that I shouldpermit the letters, wherein I have described with undeviating...